Saturday 11.25.2017
Saturday | 11.25.2017
Warm Up:
5 squats with a press out
10 cossack squats
50ft walk on toes
50ft walk on heels backwards
5/5 single arm KBS
x2-3 sets
A. EMOM 15min
1st min Bent Knee Hollow Body Hold :45
2nd min 15 Lemon Squeeze
Level 1 (RX)
20min AMRAP
9 burpee to 6in target
10 Goblet Squats 53/35
15 KBS 53/35
400m run
Level 2 (Intermediate)
20min AMRAP
9 burpee to 6in target
10 Goblet Squats 35/26
15 KBS 35/26
400m run
Level 3 (Beginner)
20min AMRAP
9 burpee to 6in target
10 Goblet Squats 35/26
15 Russian KBS 35/26
400m run