Tuesday 12.05.2017
Tuesday | 12.05.2017
Warm Up:
5 squats with press out
5 empty bar deadlifts
10/10 leg swings
:30 arch hold
x2-3 sets
*each set increase weight on the deadlift
1×5 65%
1×5 75%
1×5 85%+1 (means if you can do more than 5 reps do as many as possible until failure.)
Level 1 (RX)
500m row
20 Goblet Thruster 53/35
3 rounds for time
Level 2 (Intermediate)
500m row
20 Goblet Thruster 35/26
3 rounds for time
Level 3 (Beginner)
500m row
Goblet Thruster 26/18
3 rounds for time