Monday 05.08.2017
Monday | 05.08.2017
Performance Option
Cleans 4 x
Rest 10-15 seconds b/n each single, increase weight each set
3 Sets For Time
Row 250m
20 Wall Balls 20/14
20 KB Swings 53/35
Rest 3:00 between sets
* goal is to sprint on the rower, and go unbroken through WB and KB, knowing that you will rest in between sets.
Fitness Option
4 Sets
Romanian DL X 6
Dumbell Push Press X 8
DUB work for :60 seconds
If athletes don’t attempt DUBs they do burpees for :60
3 Sets For Time
Row 250m
20 Wall Balls
20 KB Swings
Rest 3:00 between sets
* goal is to sprint on the rower, and go unbroken through WB and KB, knowing that you will rest in between sets.