Wednesday 11.01.2017
Wednesday | 11.01.2017
Warm Up:
:15 single arm DB hold overhead
50ft ducks walk
5 empty bar bench press (que shoulder blades together at
set up of the bar on the bench)
x2-3 sets
A. Every 1:15 x5
5 Close Grip Bench Press
Level 1 (RX)
20 single arm DB Thrusters 50/35
20 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35
4 rounds for time
Level 2 (Intermediate)
20 single arm DB Thrusters 35/20
50ft DB Lunge single arm overhead 35/20
4 rounds for time
Level 3 (Beginner)
20 single arm DB Thrusters 20/10
50ft DB Lunge single arm overhead 20/10