Crossfit IS for YOU!
The perception that Crossfit is only for a select few has got to change! We who are members of this community must be the ambassadors of inclusion.
Are you interested in moving and living in wellness as long as you live? Crossfit is for you!
Would you like to look better and feel better about yourself? Crossfit is for you!
Is there a sport or activity that you need to be stronger, quicker or have more stamina in? Crossfit is for you!
Are you recovering from an injury or life event that is physically challenging? Crossfit is for you!
Do you need to work on mobility and core strength? Crossfit is for you!
Do you need help with nutrition, cardio, strength, agility, aerobic capacity, etc.? One thousand times over and again, Crossfit is for you! Shed the preconceived notion that someone or something has put in your head that says, “not for you”. Come in and check out what we have to offer at Crossfit Up Dog in Myrtle Beach!
You are not too young or old. You are not too fit or too out of shape. You are just right to begin Crossfit and Crossfit is for you!